Three Elements Yoga

Three elements yoga offers the practitioner time and opportunity to draw to the surface and openly express the experience of being human with all its warmth and challenges. The three elements are Inspiration, expression and integration. The class starts with a period of stillness to explore the way in which we are moved by our own breath. The intention here is to uncover a quiet core of inspiration to transition the practitioner into a flowing expression of movement. This physical flow whilst still incorporating yoga postures, is less defined by formal sequencing, giving more opportunity for the practitioner to find their own way with the class teacher providing a thread of suggestions. The emphasis is on bringing alive the creative capacity to embody the richness of self-discovery. Integration is the final aspect of the practice, which is an opportunity to move into deep restorative stillness, sometimes with guidance, giving space for broadening and settling our embodied way of being. New to yoga or with many years of experience, this is a practise for everyone to discover the richness of the beginners mind.


The word yoga is often translated as union. It derives from yoking an oxen to a cart. The image of the animal that pulls the cart is like the animating energy that moves us all. The cart is the image of the body that is moved. The third feature is how the cart is driven, which is the ‘method’ used, which ultimately derives from the deep sense of our own being, which is also the inclination which gives us direction. Yoga is about developing this capacity of yielding to what is already present in us. For all of us this is a life long heart centred research project. This class is devoted to that project, both individually and as a group. There is no right or wrong way of practicing in this class. It invites experiment and curiosity, a sense of allowance and not least, some gentle humour.


There is music to accompany the flow.