Restorative Yoga


This style of yoga encourages both healing and rejuvenation in the physical body as well as promoting evenness of the mind. It does not involve ‘poses’ as such but simply settles the body in different configurations for quite long periods of time. The body is eased into mostly supine positions and carefully supported by props such as cushions and yoga blocks. These longer holdings which require no sense of efforting help to release muscular tension and bring about a relaxation response in the nervous system.

Even at the best of times we can exhibit a stress response to our environment. Restorative yoga allows the space for the parasympathetic nervous system to surface and promote a release from the flight or fight response that overwhelms us so much of the time. The outcome is a relaxed, grounded and more centered state of being.

The practice differs from other introspective yoga systems in that the poses are supported by props, encouraging a safe letting go. With the release in the physical body, the mind also has the opportunity to undo, and we witness a more subtle sense of internal movement. Being intimate with our breath is the primary resource of this kind of practice which is very much like a supine form of meditation. When the body is truly relaxed, and nourished from its natural ground then it begins to open to a deeper sense of integration and insight.

For a person with an active asana practice, the restorative practice not only provides a balance to some of our more goal orientated tendencies, it also helps us to be reached by the more subtle layers of movement which can then illuminate an active practice. For those people who are challenged by an active practice, the restorative practice can be very therapeutic and can start to open and heal the body in a way which may enable more active movement.



This practice works for anyone and is a deep resource for those already practicing yoga and for those with no yoga experience. It helps people to settle into a state of deep peace which is fully alive. All you need is a good supply of cushions!